Saturday, July 21, 2012

Salam Ramadhan 2012

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم & السلام عليكم
hello visitors; family, friends & strangers!
welcome to atnur's world!

happy fasting to all my Muslim family, friends & strangers! may you'll be blessed in every way...

Ramadhan is like a long lost friend, only visits once a year, does not stay long enough and you'll miss him when he's gone. - Facebook friend

This is YOUR month. To improve YOURSELF. To re-establish a connection with YOUR God. Don't let anyone impose on YOUR moment. - Facebook friend

regardless of how much worship you do, protect yourself from conceit & arrogance... from thinking yourself better than others... - Facebook friend

☑ Setting Niat
☑ Upgrade Iman
☑ Download Sabar
☑ Delete Dosa
☑ Approve Maaf
☑ Search Pahala - Facebook friend

Ramadan is not only by fasting. we need to feed the hungry, help needy, guard our tongue, not to judge others and forgive. that is the spirit of Ramadan. Happy Ramadan. - Facebook friend

We’ve been feeding our bodies and stuffing our souls for 11 months, time to starve our bodies and finally feed our souls. - Facebook friend

Starve your stomach but feed your heart. - Facebook friend

Increase in remembrance of Allah, seeking of forgiveness, asking for Paradise and protection against the Fire, especially in Ramadhan. - Facebook friend


thank you! please come again! :)