Sunday, March 20, 2011


6/6 :D

Special mission: Monsterthon

Agents of S.C.O.T.C.H., this week the chairman sends you on a Monsterthon. If you can successfully trap 6 Ghost Monsters within the next 3 days then you will receive the following as loot: 1 document STD.3, 1 document STD.2, 1 document SHQ.1, 10 Ghost plasma, 5 Jurassic plasma, 3 Chrono crystal fragments, 200 Black widow mocktails, and 100 Nessy's Platinum Edition. Good luck to you!

Time left to complete this mission: 38 hours and 43 minutes

Catch any 6 ghost monsters

Your progress: 6 of 6 ghosts
[Objective status: Completed]

Congratulations, you have fulfilled all objectives. Click the button below to finish this mission and claim your reward.

20th of March 2011, 17:17

You have successfully accomplished the special mission 'Monsterthon'. Your reward has been added to your inventory.

yes, finally done! :D i start kind of late; yesterday's evening at 3 pm. setup LR/PC/Snowman/CTR/MCC/Cosmic/Nessy. :)


acronyms, abbreviations & meanings

LR - Lucky rabbit
PC - Pumpkin candles
CTR - Cora the red
MCC - Mighty chrono crystal


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thank you! please come again! :)